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Conventions/DragonCon 2012/Whedon Universe/Post Contest Photoshoot After the costume contest, everyone in costume was invited to get photos taken in the WU track room. Thank you to everyone who took the time to pose for the camera. The thumbnails below link to full-resolution versions of the images. Please feel free to print, crop or otherwise edit your photos. If you post the photos somewhere, please credit scifigeek.info and link to http://www.scifigeek.info/conventions/DragonCon2012/. Thanks! A zip file containing medium-resolution versions of the images is available. |
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Unless otherwise noted, the videos, photos, and audio clips on this site are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Please attribute these files to www.scifigeek.info. In addition, the videos, photos, and audio in the DragonCon galleries are provided to official DragonCon sites including the track sites (such as whedonverse.dragoncon.org) without restriction. |